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Eritrea Afrikaans AFR
Ertra (ኤርትራ) Amharic AMH
Al-Iritrīya (إريتريا) Arabic ARA
Eritrea Aragonese ARG
Eritrea Aromanian; Arumanian; Macedo-Romanian RUP
Erytreja (Эрытрэя) Belarusian BEL
Eritreya (Еритрея) Bulgarian BUL
Eritrea Catalan; Valencian CAT
Èlìtèlǐyà (厄立特里亞, 厄立特里亚) Chinese CHI
Eritreja Croatian HRV
Eritrea Czech CZE
Eritrea Danish DAN
Eritrea Dutch; Flemish DUT
Eritreo Esperanto EPO
Eritrea Estonian EST
Eritrea Faroese FAO
Eritrea Finnish FIN
Érythrée French FRE
Eritrea Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic GLA
Eritrea German GER
Erythraía (Ερυθραία) Greek, Modern GRE
Erîtrêʾah (אריתריה) Hebrew HEB
Eritrea Hungarian HUN
Eritrea Icelandic ICE
Irituria Inuktitut IKU
Eritrea Italian ITA
Eritoria (エリトリア) Japanese JPN
Eriteurea, Erit'ŭrea (에리트레아) Korean KOR
Erythraea Latin LAT
Eritreja Latvian LAV
Eritrėja Lithuanian LIT
Eritreja (Еритреја) Macedonian MAC
Eritrea Maltese MLT
Eritrea Norwegian NOR
Eritre (اريتره) Persian PER
Erytrea Polish POL
Eritreia Portuguese POR
Eritrea Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan RUM
Eritreya (Эритрея) Russian RUS
Eritreja (Еритреја) Serbian SRP
Eritreja Slovak SLO
Eritreja Slovenian SLV
Eritrea Spanish; Castilian SPA
Eritrea Swedish SWE
Ērithrīa (เอริเทรีย) Thai THA
Eritre Turkish TUR
Eritrea Welsh WEL